Krystal Alliance™

Involve to Evolve

Krystal Alliance™ (KA)

A team of multi-experienced friends committed to encouraging, supporting and
inspiring greater equity in the workplace across all sectors.

What We Do

At Krystal Alliance™ we have an insatiable appetite for what is right.
We believe that all organisations do better when they involve more of their people to evolve with more of those best solutions.


We design, deliver and evaluate development activities which promote a more inclusive approach through relatable examples and provocative facilitation which offers support and challenge in equal measure.


We deliver keynote speeches, bespoke modules and fully inclusive programmes which refresh existing collective approaches and increase personal responsibility.


we work directly with CEO’s, HRD’s and Executive Boards to enhance D&I initiatives as part of any corporate strategy.

Cultural Intelligence (CQ)

We work with our key partner ‘Above Difference’ to offer highly interactive CQ training which focuses on the four capabilities; Drive, Knowledge, Strategy and Action.


We review, diagnose and prescribe what needs to happen in order to improve corporate decision making from Executive Board level to the shop floor.


We work with individuals on a one:one basis to bring out their very best, identify purpose and nurture deeper engagement with work.


We, in partnership with Lines of Sight, provide a wide range of practical ways to learn about mindfulness.

What’s Going On

Our diary of activity which KA is supporting, sponsoring or speaking at.

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