Frank Munro

Frank Munro

Frank Munro, A former BBC Electronics Engineer for bespoke broadcasting audio and video equipment. Whilst at the BBC career transition to HR and Diversity qualified Occupational Psychologist specialist Job Evaluation and Grading, (JEGs) and employee engagement manager. Whilst at the BBC received extensive specialist (Positive Action ) recruitment and Assessment Centre design and delivery training.

A Civil Servant HR and L&D lead, moving across to more generalist policy official roles in OFCOM, Home Office, Insolvency Service and the Charity Commission. Currently working for the Ministry of Justice as Campaign Manager, for the MoJ Arm’s Length Bodies. A strong passion to drive equity, inclusion and representation. The current MoJ Chair for the BAME race staff network. Former Defra BAME staff network chair and Civil Service Race Forum (CSRF). Subject matter expert on recruitment including assessment centres, the new Success Profiles process and job evaluation and grading.

I have always been driven to give back to my community through my School Chair of Governors, I took my school from good rating to two consecutive A star Ofsted ratings a major school rebuild as well as former a title winning Little League football coach and trained Magistrate. Beyond the day job I am a husband of one, a father of one, a brother of one and an uncle for two.

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