Black inclusion Week is an annual event which aims to celebrate and highlight the importance of Black inclusion and uplift Black voices. This years theme is ‘Together in Action’.
Inclusive Employers are collaborating with the creators of Black Inclusion Week to bring you a panel discussion on the topic Unspoken Truths of Allyship. While allyship can look like supporting colleagues, speaking up, being an active bystander and improving recruitment processes, this event aims to give you tools to take your allyship journey to the next level – to a place of discomfort, sacrifice and creating space for Black individuals and colleagues in ways which will mean giving up power and privilege.
To increase your learning and understanding of what it means to be a truly active and effective ally, join our panel of guest speakers including, Aggie Mutuma, co-founder of Black Inclusion Week and CEO and Lead Consulting Director of Mahogany Inclusion Partners and Rebecca Berry, EDI inclusion coach, consultant and writer and expert in culture change.