Clinks annual conference 2023

DATE: 22/11/2023
TIME: 10:00 - 17:00
Conference theme

Racially minoritised people are overrepresented at every single point of contact with the criminal justice system (CJS). This is a well-known fact within our sector, and we are aware of extensive data, research and stories of lived experience which evidence racism within the CJS. It is also acknowledged that despite numerous efforts being made to begin to tackle this fundamental flaw within the system, whether that be through reviews, reports, campaigns, adaptions to policy or many other initiatives which have been launched, the progress made to date is not good enough.

Clinks thinks that all organisations working in criminal justice, whether they be statutory or voluntary, must acknowledge and take action to tackle systemic, structural and individual racism and ensure that their services are accessible to, and meet the needs of, racially minoritised people. We know that awareness exists, however the understanding of, and commitment to, actively taking steps forward within this work is limited.

This year we would like to take the opportunity at our annual conference to provide a platform for our specialist members who are led by/for racially minoritised people to share their expertise on how to best support people from racially minoritised communities, and how we can unite and commit to a future where justice is equitable. Race and justice is everybody’s business, and we would like for the wider criminal justice sector to come together and embrace the opportunity to learn, be challenged and most importantly commit to prioritise taking action to tackle racial inequity and injustices moving forward.

This year attendees will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of thought-provoking and reflective sessions, which will aim to inspire and influence change on an individual, organisational and wider strategic level. Further details of the speakers and facilitators will be announced closer to the time.


Workshops and panel discussions

Morning keynote panel 

The current state of racial inequity in the criminal justice system

Our morning panellists will share their views and experiences on the theme of the day, reflecting on what barriers remain in place for voluntary sector organisations working in the criminal justice system (CJS) to be able to effectively tackle the problem and take meaningful action.


Across the morning two workshop series will run, each with four workshops delivered by member organisations and sector partners.

Workshop series 1
Will be themed around; ‘sustainability within the criminal justice system for organisations led by/for racially minoritised people’.

Workshop series 2
Will address; ‘understanding the needs of racially minoritised people and the importance of providing trauma informed, culturally sensitive support’.

The day will include performances from members of the National Criminal Justice Arts Alliance and in the afternoon, after a networking lunch, we will pick up with a final workshop series.

Workshop series 3
Will focus on; ‘how to influence the criminal justice system and achieve better outcomes for racially minoritised people’.

Afternoon keynote panel

What’s the solution? Let’s make race and justice everybody’s business and commit to taking action together

Our final panel of the day will bring together the learning from the day as well as views and suggestions for how the voluntary criminal justice sector can take meaningful action to address racial disparity within the CJS moving forward.

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