When I came to this book I was not 100% sure what to expect, I had seen several of Akala’s videos most noticeably, his Oxford Union address and had been impressed. He expertly held court in one of the countries leading institutions of learning.
Nevertheless, I was still unprepared, as I did not expect the quality of content; the author captures the reader, like a director, taking them on an educational journey. This book is an essential read, it is informative and entertaining, striking a really unique balance for an emotionally charged subject, race.
Finding many similarities with my African Caribbean upbringing and my harsh introduction to British Society. Natives is a treasure trove. What makes the content stand apart is the knowledge imparted to the reader, often providing answers to questions that had been left unresolved for decades which challenges history, long held unhelpful beliefs and miseducation.
If you had to read just one book that encapsulates the real picture of Black and Brown people in the UK, it is this book. Similarly, Natives, would be of particular interest for those looking to become effective allies; you’ll be significantly better informed.
Natives is a book that you can return to for another read time and time again, it comes to you highly recommended.