GENRE: Non Fiction
TOPICS: Personal Growth

Year of Yes – How to Dance It Out, Stand in the Sun and Be Your Own Person.

This book held many surprises for me but the most important one was how someone who is seemingly uber successful redefines success for themselves by saying yes to everything (especially the stuff that scares them) for one year.

A personal story of the power of challenge, this book speaks to the greatness that can happen when we push ourselves to grow. As a working mother, I saw myself in many of the pages, particularly in the struggles to find the balance between what the heart wants (read, the innocent smiling eyes of your child) and paying the bills.

After reading this book, I was inspired to say ‘Yes’ for a season – a year was too much for me! – In that time I acted on things from my bucket list and I stepped out of fear. Read this book, and say YES to growth…its time for a re-read for me..

REVIEWED BY: Movell Dash